Sunday, March 8, 2009

Don't drink the Kool-aid

As of late, I have made a conscious decision not to participate in this so called recession. Sure, things are different than they were 6 months ago, but I believe that I can continue living my life happily, regardless of what the main stream media has to say about it. I may not have the ideal situation lined up, but I work hard and smart, and times will change.

I am calling on all my readers to unite and not participate in this "recession." Live responsibly, be self-reliant and stay out of debt. Then, whatever happens in society, with the government, with your neighbor, you will be taken care of.

Keep enjoying life, and don't let the man (or Uncle Sam) get you down!!


Holly or James said...

I'm with you...that's why I'm building a house!

Michelle said...

I'll join your "Don't Drink the Kool Aid" cause. When are the T-shirts being printed :)